
In an effort to increase transparency and easy access to all disclosures, disclosure information will be available online for the 2017 Cancer Survivorship Symposium in early to mid-December of 2016. Disclosure information for committees, faculty, and presenters will not be printed in meeting materials. Disclosures are submitted per the ASCO Conflict of Interest Policy.

The Program Committee reviews all speaker disclosure reports, identifies potential conflicts of interest, and implements strategies to manage those areas of conflict where they exist.  Financial relationships reported by members of the Planning Committee, faculty, and abstract authors are provided as noted below.  During all phases of planning for the Symposium, areas of conflict were managed through a peer-review process and/or through individual recusal when appropriate.  All relationships are considered self-held and compensated unless otherwise noted.

Faculty Disclosures

Faculty disclosures are available online through the iPlanner where you can search by session or by faculty member. A hyperlink opens a separate window listing the disclosure information for the person selected.

Abstract Disclosures

Abstract disclosures will be available at ASCO's Meeting Library following the public release of abstracts. A hyperlink from each abstract links to disclsoure information listed individually by author.

Committee Disclosures

Committee disclosures can be found in each committee roster.

In Session Rooms

Prior to each session, a slide will be shown that reminds attendees to visit the iPlanner for faculty disclosures, and ASCO's Meeting Library for abstract presenter disclosures. ASCO will prepare a disclosure slide that will display prior to each presentation as that speaker or presenter was introduced by the Session Chair.

Past Meeting Disclosures

2016 Cancer Survivorship Symposium Disclosures can be found on the Past Meetings page.